Claire Jackson's saved articles

Claire Jackson

So stoked for Sea of Stars. The Messenger was incredible.  This team’s got the chops Read more

GT7 for me. My buddy beat my qualifying time for one of the online races by like a second and a half (an eternity in racing), so now I gotta get it back Read more

Now that I’ve actually beaten FF16 and even played some of the start again on New Game+ I can tell you that the game’s prologue/demo ends up being a lot less indicative of the rest of the game. The GoT political stuff is a lot less brutal and much more in the background, the main character is WAY less of an emo Read more

I’ll probably be playing Yakuza: Like A Dragon this weekend since I got it through PS+. No idea how or why I ended up missing this game, but holy hell I am having a blast seeing Kasuga simultaneously be a total dolt and really compassionate through all the shit he’s going through. Easily one of my favorite games I’ve Read more

I’ve suddenly found myself playing the campaign for StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty out of nowhere. I bought it when it came out and then just never played it. I played the hell out of the first one with friends in high school, so playing 2 now is an unexpected jolt of nostalgia. After all this time, I’m still rubbish Read more

I finally got my new glasses yesterday; so once I adjust to them I’m gonna try and get Tears of the Kingdom wrapped up. I’ve got what I assume are the four main dungeons done, so I’ll be interested to see how much game is left in this game. Might also play a bit of TimeSplitters 3. Read more

but I’m already playing half of these! Though I do need to go back to Blasphemous...hell that game is hard. Read more

Goodness, I have idea what I’ll be playing. I just finished Steelrising, which was much more fun than I thought it would be, but with family visiting this weekend I don’t think I’ll have much time for games. Maybe Pentiment or Moss: Book II.
Read more

The weekend threads are back! Nature is regenerating! Read more

Zelda: TotK, Diablo 4, and Battle Bit Remastered are my current 3 games I’m hooked on. Read more

Thank you for writing about Tim Cain and saying what I struggled to articulate after viewing his video: I love Tim, and he’s right, but it’s also an incredibly scary time to be trans. Also, I really enjoy your work and have been reading you for a long time. Thanks for doing what you do. Read more

I’m younger, but thinking of the old days, heck even up to a bit over a decade ago, it was so damned scary. Afraid of being open to anyone around you, even those technically closest to you. Fearing you’d lose everything. Now most I come across are accepting. Most of the time, I can assume I can be open.
That said right Read more

If people can eat chocobos, chocobos should be able to eat people. Read more

This isn’t your dad’s Moogle! This Moogle curses, does cocaine and has sex! Read more

The various previews have solidified the fact that the footage up to this point has really left me cold as a lifelong FF fan. I’m not terribly bummed (FF7 Remake is one of my favorite games of all time, so more of that soon really helps the FOMO), but it is strange to be on the outside of the hype cycle looking in for Read more

Man, fuck ribbon cables. I somehow wound up with an under-documented PS3 model that has one under the disk drive. That was a bloody nightmare when it came loose. Read more

Metal Storm? But why?! I think I still have the cartridge in my storage somewhere.  Read more

Overall I agree with your take on Death Stranding. The only thing I’d like to add is that the main storyline isn’t as complicated as it initially seems. If we watched the events chronologically it might be long and winding, but they would make sense. But we’re deprived of the key historical and backstory events for Read more

Nier Automata (and Nier Replicant, which imo has a better story by the end, but is harder to get into I imagine).
 Glad to see Plague Tale on the list.  Read more