John Walker's discussions

John Walker
Seeker of indie secrets, needlessly beautiful, purveyor of

You’re obviously acting in bad faith, but just for the sake of it, no, this is not how “bait” works. “Bait” would be if I wrote an incendiary headline that dishonestly portrayed the issue, and then prominently exaggerated things in such a way to raise the ire of your ilk. Read more

It’s desperately sad, and concerningly telling, that you could perceive this observation as “outrage.” And perhaps you might want to aim your fury at the show you love so much, for making the same point themselves. Read more

You could always read the article before commenting? Read more

I was very concerned when I saw the crafting stuff ahead of release, and thought that it meant it wouldn’t be a game for me. But I can assure you it’s not a valid concern. The game is so damned well made, and when the fusing isn’t optional, it’s far more of a puzzle-solving style than the amazing crafting shown off in Read more

As the article explicitly and repeatedly states, the Iono is an amazingly powerful card, and will be in so many decks, but it’s simply not true to say that’s why this card is going for $1100 in Japan. There’s a bulk version that does exactly the same thing that you can pull all the time. Sure, you can argue people Read more

Much appreciated! The article is now updated. Also, I still fancy Grusha. Read more

It’s lovely that you’re worried about me, but I’ve been making this exact argument long before we launched RPS. And I’m not willing to abandon my principles on this matter just because unauthorised duplication might affect my own income. Read more

I didn’t say that copying couldn’t be illegal. I said it wasn’t theft. It’s important. And, um, I’ve got some bad news for you about bittorrent. Read more

I don’t really know how to say “no” a different way. No, they’re different things. Theft/stealing is very much dependent on the stolen item not being there any more after the crime. This isn’t semantics so much as physics. Read more

That strikes me as very much a “guns don’t kill people” argument. Read more

I’m fascinated to learn how I’m defending AI at all. I’m arguing for the right to be allowed to discuss it. Unfortunately, for some reason this subject has become entirely ideological, to the degree where discourse is so angrily disallowed, and I’m the sort of old-fashioned leftie who calls that fascism. Read more

I am confused about your position, given that in the article above I strongly make the point about the issues of big tech taking financial advantage of the solo artists. That’s not contended. I was simply taking issue with your stating that we’re not allowed to have discussions. Read more

But it already exists, and we need to discuss that. I’m PRETTY sure you’re not in charge though, so we’ll be good to go ahead without your say-so. Read more

I have good news for you! Nothing better than a controller while sitting on the couch at 3am with a baby that won’t sleep unless it’s lying on top of you. Read more

If I get a single question right in any episode, I feel so fucking proud of myself. (Apart from the missing vowel round at the end - I’m rather good at that.) Read more