Carolyn Petit's discussions

Carolyn Petit
Kotaku Managing Editor

I’m pretty sure Loaded’s lack of soundtrack is a music rights issue, yeah. Read more

You’re as welcome to your opinion as anyone but a lot of people prefer Temple of Doom. It’s got real texture to it. Last Crusade feels somehow safer and more conventional. It’s very pleasant and good in its own way but it also loses something when compared to the previous two films.  Read more

Thanks very much! Ha yes, even internally of course there is disagreement about how exactly things should have shaken out but we all came to it from a place of love and appreciation for the series. Read more

Yeah, in particular the first two episodes kinda had me thinking that the device of a cold open that shed light on some aspect of pre-infection life or otherwise tied into the larger narrative was going to be an ongoing thing. But then it wasn’t. They just took a loosey-goosey, we’ll-use-it-when-we-feel-like-it Read more

Hahaha, got a hearty laugh from your comment. Thank you! Read more

That’s an excellent observation. After reading that I totally agree. Thanks for that. Read more

This is a full-fledged recap. Meanwhile, we had Kenneth’s very different (and IMO great) commentary piece about how this episode takes on greater meaning when viewed in the context of a post-apocalypse where queer history has largely been forgotten. Then there was one that summed up the writers talking about why they Read more

Totally didn’t think about any of that before but of course! This comment just blew my mind. Read more

For what it’s worth, here’s a direct quote from the New Yorker story:

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Or different people on staff have different opinions and perspectives, maybe. Read more

No character creator! Just skins. Sooooooo many skins.  Read more

It’s John’s way of trying to say that the story is kind of nonsense and trying to explain it would be a waste of time. Read more

Yeah, that one gave me the creeps too. Phenomenal box art, like so many 2600 games. Read more